With my band mates
Hi! Didn't I tell you that I knew how to play a guitar? I just know the basics though, not really the hardcore fingering stuff.

I joined a band. Well, it wasn't really a "joined a band" thing but rather, I auditioned for an acoustic band contest together with my office-mates in our department. I got chosen as one of the guitarists - which shocked me, I wasn't expecting that - of that acoustic band to represent our company in a inter-company Friendship Game Competition.

I wasn't the one who took those photos. I just post-processed them, hence, I want you to see our costumes tehee~. Our manager said he wanted us to package as highschoolers. So there goes our photos, please enjoy.

Our vocalists
Me as Rhythm with our Lead Guitarist
Our Maracas and Beatbox Players

We got the 2nd place. Although we didn't win, it was already a big achievement for us starters. And to be able to compete with the seniors is such an honor already. I am really proud of us... and to myself.